The influence of positive hypothesis testing on youths’ online health-related information seeking
New Library World (In Press)
We conducted an exploratory field experiment with HackHealth participants to determine whether positive hypothesis testing occurs when youth search for health information online and to ascertain the potential impacts of this phenomenon on their search behaviors, their ability to accurately answer health-related questions, and their confidence in their answers.
As simple as that?: Tween credibility assessment in a complex online world
Journal of Documentation
This paper explains the ethnographic approach we used to describe disadvantaged tweens’ strategies for making predictive and evaluative judgments of the credibility of health information online. More specifically, this paper identifies the features of Google search results pages and Websites that signal credibility (or lack thereof) to this population and the reasons behind their perceptions.
Subramaniam, M., Taylor, N. G., St. Jean, B., Follman, R., Kodama, C., & Casciotti, D. (2015). As simple as that?: Tween credibility assessment in a complex online world. Journal of Documentation.